Action in love

LovePrints - Start with a smile

Love Out Loud. Love in Action. Action in Love.

One act at a time.

In some cases, one smile at time. One smile.


Each smile is an act of love. Every single one. It is an act of love out loud. It is never selfish. It is never for the person giving it. It is always for the person receiving it. It is all about the person on the other end. It is all about the smile received.

A smile is the acknowledgement of another, each other, and us. It is the statement of looking for one another, searching for one another, and finding one another. A smile is a statement of who you are, who we are, and a strengthening of the connection that we all want and need.

As a educator, it is the YES to the lesson and the learning. It is the signal that you see and are seen. It is the alarm for something good, the telling of the truth, and the exclamation point to why we do what we do.

As a parent, a smile is the security blanket, the temperature taker, the meal planner, and the nurse. It answers questions, tells the truth, and seals the deal. A smile is a question, answer, and verification. It tells us everything.

As a coach, it is the opening mission statement, the practice plan, and the locker room captain. A smile says that we are ready, we are prepared, and we can do anything, together. A smile is the sign on your face that we belong, we deserve, and we earned this. A smile is the sign of improvement, vision, and growth. A smile says that I care, I am here, and that we are still connected to one another. A smile is the win, out loud.

As a man, its is the key to the door, the introduction to the masses, and the nodding to the next thing. It is the acceptance of the journey, the confirmation of success, and the celebration itself. The smile is medicine, therapy, exercise, and the fruit of our labor. It is the mixer, the appetizer, and the dessert. It is the final ovation, and the reason why.

The smile is powerful. Some might say that it is undefeated. It can change conditions, circumstances, environments, and lives. If you so choose, it can change us all.

Go. Action in love. Love in action. Love out loud.



LovePrints. Derrick Pearson interview with Derrick Murphy of Flagrant 2

LovePrints. The Success Chronicles. Episode #107 Derrick Pearson

LovePrints is featured on the 107th episode of The Success Chronicles with Chip Baker. Check out the full episode here. Humbled to be considered and included in this powerful and positive network of amazing leaders.


LovePrints. Life Management Tribe. Life Lessons

Life lessons. Life Management Tribe. Love Out Loud

Love in action.

Action in love.

Start from the heart.




LovePrints. Smiles Project. Share your smiles.

I am a smile collector. I am a smile maker. I am a smile enthusiast. I am a smile fanatic.

As you scroll through your day and life, be sure to celebrate the smiles in your life. They are there for a reason. Be the reason.