LovePrints. Here’s to the healers. Thank you.


Here’s to the healers!

Thank you!

For understanding the simple idea that one hand is for giving and one is for receiving. To be of service, we must give of ourselves. If we care about others, we find out about the greater good in ourselves.

The caretakers of hearts. The lovers of health. The shepherds for good. The guards to happiness.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

For sacrificing time with your own to help others. For allowing your heart to be stretched and pulled in several directions at once. For draining your emotional and energy bank, often at your own expense. For showing up at times and in places where the forgotten exist.

Thank you. For open arms. Open hands. Open wallets. Open ears. For giving time, action, money, and care. Thank you for listening. Thank you for paying attention. Thank you for moving whatever is needed for whoever needs it. Thank you.

Thank you for answering the call, leading the response, and for loving others enough to help others out. Thank you for opening doors, lending hands, and for showing up. Thank you.

Thank you for being selfless, for knowing how to care, and for reminding us that we need to be here for each other. Thank you for helping others stand when they are too weak to do so on their own. Thank you for being supportive at times and places where extra support is needed. Thank you.

Thank you for being present, and for not ignoring someone else’s pain. Thank you for aiding, for curing, and for nurturing. Thank you for your touch, your words, and your actions.

Thank you for recognizing the painful way, for showing and teaching a better way, and for living the best way. Thank you for your love. That is what healing is.